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Ideation + Exploration

If you are not prepared to be wrong, you will never be able to come with something new. Ideation is a creative process of having original ideas that has substance in it. On contrary to what is said, we believe that generating idea is a process and not something that happens randomly. A structured process of exploring different possibilities to weigh their potential is must. As a process of ideation we try to identify user base and their needs by interviewing focus group to make sure we start to hit the right note from the very beginning. This phase helps us figure out target user’s demographics, their needs, availability of technology preferences, and larger scope of value addition in our service.

Business Intelligence

Digital world is a fast pacing industry with innovation happening at dangerous speed. Collection of raw data is just the first step. In order to derive resourceful information that can be correlated to businesses, integration of business intelligence is an inventive step. Valuable information can be extracted from this process that gives business an edge over their competitors. BI holds a very crucial role in decision making, risk management, user behaviour and other operational and backend processes. BI enables businesses to efficiently use their capabilities and strengths in a way that it helps them enjoy benefit of extensive research which in return gives them an opportunity to make better and smarter choices.

User Research

The process of planning and ideation is incomplete without proper research to understand the need. In order to structure a solution in line to the need, a well-documented process of surveying is important. User behaviours and their needs, observing their habits and techniques, understanding their reaction to different aspect of the product and to determine an efficient feedback structure for the same. User research helps you know you’re the effect of design on your user and measure their reaction to it. Though this part involves a huge level of documentation it also demands practical implementation of your theories and observation. From creating different personas to individual interviews, from designing parallel designs to the creation of prototypes, a lot is covered under user research. Its safe to call user-research to be the backbone of any successful product.